10th Tennessee Infantry Sons of Erin, C.S.A

10th Tennessee History
Roster Company A
Battle Report, page 1
Battle Report, page 2
Men of Tenth Tennessee Photo Album
Biography of the Soldiers
Re-enactors Photo Album
Prisoners of the North
Interesting Infromation
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Guest Book
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Prisoners of the North

Under Construction

After the defeat and surrender of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. Those men who did not parrish or escape were captured by the Union forces.  Sergants, Corporal, and privates of the Tenth were steamboated down the Cumberland River to Paducah from there the went westward to Cairo, Illionis. From there they were sent to St. Louis. All the prisoners were seperated; the non-coms and privates were forced to load trains and headed to Camp Douglas.The commissioned officers were paroled but only temporary. Then they were sent by railway farther North. On the way the trains stop at Terre Haute, Indiana and Columbus, Ohio. By now the officers were on foot and marched to the famous prison Camp Chase. At Camp Chase the some of the officers of the Tenth including McGavock again seperated and taken to the Northeast to Fort Warren in Boston. 

Camp Douglas, IL
Prison official had received notification that the Forts in Tennessee (Fort Henry and Fort Donelson) had fallen. It was estimated that this would add 15,000 more prisoners to the Union's rolls. Colonel Hoffman located a piece of land just outside of the Stephen A Douglas' estate. The camp consisted of sixty acres which was divided in compounds. There was Garrison Square, Hospital Square, Whiteoak Square, and Prison Square. The last one, Prison Square contained sixty-four barracks; all of them 24 by 90 ft. Each of the barrack had a capacity of 95 men, however, each building held a max. of 189 men. The total capacity of the camp was 6000 men, it held a total of 12,082 men. The total of death was calculated at 4,454. The camp was in  operation between 1862-1865.

Camp Chase, OH
The maxium capacity of Camp Chase was 4,000 prisioners, it held a total of 9,423 and 2,260 deaths. The camp was in operation for the entire war 1861-1865.

Fort Warren, MA
The maxium capacity of Fort Warren was 175 and held a total of 394. It has 12 deaths and was in operation for the entire war 1861-1865.

Welcome to the website home of the 10th Tennessee Co. A
All infromation was provided by Rebel Sons of Erin by Glesson, 1993