10th Tennessee Infantry Sons of Erin, C.S.A

10th Tennessee History
Roster Company A
Battle Report, page 1
Battle Report, page 2
Men of Tenth Tennessee Photo Album
Biography of the Soldiers
Re-enactors Photo Album
Prisoners of the North
Interesting Infromation
Additional infromation
Guest Book
Interesting Links

10th Tennessee History

Original Regimental Banner of the 10th Tennessee CSA


On July 1861, the Tenth Tennessee Regiment of Volunteers with 720 men armed with flintlock musket rifles were mustered into the Confederate Army. Garrisoned at Fort Henry until February 1862, they left there after Federal bombardment to  Fort Donelson. On February 13, 1862 Federal forces attacked Fort Donelson, three days later the Fort surrendered. The Tenth endured many loses, the field and staff officers who survived were captured and sent to Fort Warren; the non-commissoned officers and privates were sent to Camp Chase and Camp Douglas, Illinios. Officers and enlisted men were exchanged and poraled and sent down to Vicksburg, from there they transported by railway and reorganized in Clinton, Mississippi. The men of the 10th Tennesse were gallantly involved in such battles as Raymond, Mississippi,Chickamuaga,Georgia, Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Altanta,Georgia.

Welcome to the website home of the 10th Tennessee Co. A
All infromation was provided by Rebel Sons of Erin by Glesson, 1993