Battle of Missionary Ridge, Tennessee,November 25, 1863
Now a part of Tyler's birgade of General Bate's division of General Beckenridge's corp.Under the command of Major
John G. O'Neill the Sons of Erin only had about a 100 men. They were encamped on the eastern side of Missionary Ridge
and was made a detachment of sharpshooters. Early in the afternoon the Confederate Army advance up to the top of Missionary
Ridge; the 10th Tennessee was placed in the center of the line. The Union forces started their attack around 4 o'clock. The
sharpshooter detachment moved close to the ridge when they open fired. Union forces reached the top and were pushing back
the center. The Sons of Erin made an oblique fire into the Yankees, but could not keep the firing up at those men because
attacking the Tennessians was left wing under Union General Richard Johnson. Headed right at the the 11th Michigan felt the
effects of the Irish. While the 10th and 30th Tennessees were hold thier ground the rest of the Confederate line was not,
the order to fall back was given. As the 30th withdrew O'Neill's sharpshooters covered the retreat and was the last unit to
leave thier position.
Battle of Rocky Face Ridge, Georgia, May 5-9, 1864
Place around Mill Creek Gap Sons of Erin with the 4th Georgia Sharpshooter Battalion were engaged in some skirmishes.
When the main battle began the 10th Tennessee were place as reserve.
Battle of Resaca, Georgia, May 14-15, 1864
On the 14th around 12 noon Union forces under General Sherman attack. The 10th Tennessee was not involved that day's
fighting. On the 15th the Irish were deployed as sharpshooters and skirmishers. In the evening, Sherman forced Johnston's
Army back, guarding the rear was the 4th Georgia Sharpshooters, one company from Kentucky, and the 10th Tennessee, Sons
of Erin. The rear guard were engaged in some action.
Battle of New Hope Church, Georgia, May 23-27, 1864
Deployed as sharpshooters the 10th Tennessee set up position between Pumpkin Vine Creek and New Hope Church and was in
some light skirmishes. The Sons of Erin were not engaged in the main event, however, they did have some skirmishes with Union
Cavalry and help capture stragging Federals.
Battle of Altanta (Decatur), Georgia, July 22, 1864
The 10th Tennessee was right outside Decatur, the far right flank of the Confederate line. Was the attack on the Union
forces began two lines were formed. The 10th Tennessee under Colonel William Grace form the second line.
Eventually, the Irish were ordered to support General Wheeler's Cavalry. The men help mostly with the wounded soliders.
Battle of Utoy Creek, Georgia, August 6,1864
Colonel Grace and the Sons of Erins found themselves on the Confederate right. The units were all consolidated into one
massive battalion consisting of the 20th/30th/2nd/ 10th Tennessee. At the beginning engagement the Confederates,Grace and
the Tennessians were up against Union forces of Berry and Tennessians.After six hours the Confederate held thier line. The
10th Tennessee was ordered to guard and transport Union prisioners to the rear. After that they went in picket duty along
the creek.
Battle of Jonesborough, Georgia, August 31,1864
The 10th Tennessee belonging to Thomas Benton Smith's brigade of John Calvin Brown's division of William J. Hardee's
corps of John Bell Hood's army, marched from Utoy Creek to Jonesborough arriving on the 31st of August. The army was place
on the western side of the town along the Macon and Western Railroad. The Union army were place on the north side near Flint
Creek, they under the command of O.O.Howard. Now under the field command of Patrick Cleburne of the left wing, the Sons of
Erin were place in the second line for support. The egagement began with the premature start by the Confederates on the right.
So Cleburne order his men but were not ready. Headed the attack was Brown's Kentuckians but were replused. Colonel Grace and
Lt. Colonel Turner tried to rally the Kentucky Orphans but was unsuccessful, the Confederate line crumbled and the Rebels
Battle of Franklin, Tennessee, November 30, 1864
On November 30, Hood advanced toward the town on his left was Cheatham's corp including the 10th Tennessee, Sons of Erin.
William Bate order a charge with the men from Georgia and Florida leading the way; in a second line was General Smith's soliders
including the Sons of Erin. The Confederates on the far left ran into General Thomas Ruger, eventually the boys in blue overan
the Rebels. When the counterattack occured O'Neill and the Irish were being deployed as skirmishers while this was happening
Bate order a retreat.
Battle of Third Murfreesborough, Tennessee, December 7,1864
The 10th Tennessee was order to the town to support General Nathan Bedford Forrest's Cavalry. Reports said that the town
was being evacuated, that was incorrect. There were about 7000 Union soldiers waiting for them. The Sons of Erin and 4th Georgia
Sharpshooters began to engage as skirmishers. The skirmishes continued for a couple of days. The main assualt finally comense,
Forrest leading the way with Bate's Regulars in front shorty thereafter Bate's men paniced and retreated
to the rear. Still in the battle, Forrest and men from Benton Smith's unit. The Sons of Erin kept in the fight as sharpshooters.
The battle was indecisive.
Battle of Nashville, Tennessee, December 15-16, 1864
The 10th Tennessee was detached with the Georgians sharpshooters and guarding the rear; they marched and arrived at the
town of Nashville. They notice the southern forces retreating from the front ending the first day of battle. On the 16th of
December, the Union forces attack the Confederate line which was around some hills. With the support of heavy artillery fire,
the Union Army forced the Rebels to withdrawal.
Battle of Bentonville, South Carolina, March 19, 1865
In South Carolina, General Johntson faced General William T. Sherman. Falling under Frank Cheatham's corp whole Confederate
Army attack Sherman's left wing, only to be replused back. The Army of Tennessee surrnedered.