10th Tennessee Infantry Sons of Erin, C.S.A

10th Tennessee History
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Battle Report, page 1
Battle Report, page 2
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Additional Infromation

Statistics of the Sons of Erin

Beginning of the War: 720 men
Fort Henry and Fort Donelson
Battle of Raymond:                       254 engaged 
                                                     8 (k)
                                                     35 (w)
                                                     9 (c)           
                                                     Total Losses 52 men
Battle of Chickamuaga:                190 engaged
                                                     2(c) Both die in prision
                                                     Total Loses 48 men
Battle of Missionary Ridge:           104 engaged                          
                                                    4 (k)
                                                      Total Loses 32 men
Altanta Campaign                         69 engaged
                                                      Total Loses 34 men
Hood's Tennesse Campaign           36 engaged
                                                       Total Loses 32 men
Battle of Bentonville                       4 engaged
                                                       3Captured: Lt.Colonel John G. O'Neill
                                                                         Captain Lewis R. Clark
                                                                         1st Lt. Robert P. Seymour 
End of the War: 1 man: Quartermaster Sergeant Bernard McCabe

Honoring the Falling Irishmen of the 10th Tennessee, Sons of Erin

2nd Lt. John Ames, (k) Raymond                                                        5/12/1863
Pvt. William Bradford, (c) Chickamuaga, (k) Camp Douglas                 10/12/1863
Pvt. Patrick Barrett, (mw)  Raymond                                                   5/12/1863
Chpl. Emmeran Bliemel, (k) Jonesborough                                          8/31/1864
Pvt. Thomas Branerly, (k) Raymond                                                    5/12/1863
Pvt. Daniel Connolly, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                       8/8/1862
Pvt. Patrick Conry, (k) Decatur                                                           7/22/1864
Pvt. Michael Corcoran, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                     3/3/1862
Pvt. Patrick Delaney (k), Missionry Ridge                                          11/25/1863
Pvt. Patrick Dempsey, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                   3/20/1862
Pvt. Phillip M. Dermott, (k) Missionary Ridge                                     11/25/1863
Pvt. Edmund Eagen,(c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                         3/6/1862
Pvt. Richard Eagen (k) Raymond                                                        5/12/1863
Pvt. William Feeley, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                       4/10/1862
Pvt. Patrick Flaherty, (mw) Resaca                                                     4/14/1864
Pvt. Martin Fleming, (k) Franklin                                                       11/30/1864
Pvt. James Flowers, (mw) Chickamuaga                                        9/18-20/1863
Pvt. E.G. Foster, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                             5/1/1862
Pvt. Frank Gibson, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                          9/3/1862
Col. William Grace, (mw) Jonesborough                                              8/31/1864
Pvt. Patrick Hackett, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                      3/28/1862
Pvt. James Haggarty, (c) Franklin, (k)  Camp Chase                              2/3/1865
Pvt. Jeremiah Harrington, (k) Chickamuaga                                     9/18-20/1863
Sgt. James Hayes, (k) Jonesborough                                                  8/31/1864
Col. Adolphus Heiman, (d) Mississippi                                              11/16/1862
Pvt. John Higgins, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                          7-10-1862
Sgt. James Hyde, (mw)  Raymond                                                      5/12/1863
Pvt. William W. Jenkins, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                8/27/1862
Pvt. John Jones, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                              3/6/1962
Pvt. John Joyce, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Cmap Chase                              5/3/1862
Mtr. Sgt. Michael Kane, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Douglas                 3/1/1862
Pvt. James Kelly (mw) Chickamauga                                              9/18-20/1863
Pvt. John Kelly, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                             4/14/1862
1st Lt. Theodore Kelsey, (k) Chickamuaga                                      9/18-20-1863
Sgt. Patrick Kennedy, (k) Missionary Ridge                                       11/25/1863
Pvt. Darby Lee, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                               5/5/1862
Pvt. Micharl Levins, (k) Raymond                                                        5/12/1863
Pvt. William M. Lovett, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                     4/2/1862
Pvt. James Mahon, (k) Chickamuaga                                              9/18-20/1863
Pvt. Darby Martin, (k) Raymond                                                          5/12/1863
Pvt. Edward McCormick, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                3/13/1862
Pvt. William McLane, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                     4/15/1862
Pvt. John McTigne,(c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                         3/24/1862
Pvt. William A. Mentiss, (mw) Decatur                                                7/22/1864
2nd Lt. John McCulloough, (mw) Missionary Ridge                             11/25/1863
Col. Randal W. McGavock, (k) Raymond                                             5/12/1863
Pvt. Patrick McGettighn, (mw) Chickamuaga                                  9/18-20/1863
Cpt. Saint Clair Morgan, (k) Chickamuaga                                      9/18-20/1863
Pvt. John Moriarity, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                        3/20/1862
Pvt. Thomas Murphy, (mw) Chickamuaga                                       9/18-20/1863
Pvt. James Murray, (k) Chickamuaga                                             9/18-20/1863
Pvt. Patrick O'Donnell, (c) Nashville, (k) Camp Chase                           1/17/1865
Pvt. Daniel Pryor, (c) Chickamuaga, (k) Camp Chase                         10/28/1863
Pvt. William R. Roberts, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                 4/11/1862
Pvt. John Smith, (c) Fort Donelson, (k) Camp Chase                            9/10/1862
Cpt. William Sweeney, (k) Chickamuaga                                        9/18-20/1863
1st Lt. John d. Winston, (mw) Chickamuaga                                   9/18-20/1863

(k); Killed in action
(mw): Mortally wounded
(c): Captured
(d): Disease

Welcome to the website home of the 10th Tennessee Co. A
All infromation was provided by Rebel Sons of Erin by Glesson, 1993