Fort Henry: Mid-June the Tenth arrived at the fort and began building.When October came about the regiment was under
Lt.Colonel McGavock while construction continued.
Fort Donelson Campaign: The Tenth was under the General Gideon Pillow in command of the left wing. They fell in
the 1st brigade commanding by Colonel Adolphus Heiman. They were placed on the far right of the wing; right
in the middle of the defensive line. On February 13, 1862 the visiable troops of the 54th Illinois headed out of
the woods. The Regiment from Gelena made several attacks against the Irish. The Irish, kept the firing "hot"never letting
the emeny get to the works. The Tenth Tennessee lost one man killed in action. Five wounded. Out of the 720 men at Fort
Donelson 465 men surrender and 44 escaped.
Battle of Raymond, Mississippi
On May 12, 1863 the 10th Tennessee/30th Tennessee consolidated held the far left of the line near Gallatin Road. Behind
Beaumont's 50th Tennessee the 10th was blinded from the advancing Union forces. Beaumont in front moved forward
head on to meet the brigade under General Stevenson. However, Beaumont decided to retreat, not knowing of Beaument movements
McGavock was in schock to hear about it. General Gregg orded McGavock to stop General Stevenson. While leading the charge
Colonel McGavock recieved a minie ball to the heart. Lt. Colonel Grace resumed the charge. The opposing unit, the 7th Missouri(U.S) felt
the hard blows of the Irish. Reinforced by the 32nd Ohio, the Missourians drove back the Tennessians. The group reorganized,
under the new commander Lt. Colonel James Turner (commander of the 30th). Turner ordered Captian John G. O'Neill's company
about 45 men to be deployed as sharpshooters. While Turner created a line of skirmishers. This had a large effect on
the Union forces driving them back into the woods. Co. A of the 10th Tennessee moved into the woods with effective shooting/maneuvering
they captured seven men form the 7th Missouri and five from the 81st Illionis.
Battle of Chickkamauga,Georgia
Colonel Grace and the Sons of Erin arrived on September 17th. General Gregg's brigade including the 10th Tennessee
fell under General Bushrod Johnson's command. On the 18th of September the Confederates started thier deployment.
Colonel Grace lead his 190 Irishmen. They consisted of two infantry battalions under the command of Lt. Colonel
Sam Thompson and Captian Saint Clair Morgan and one sharpshooter battalion under the command of Major John G.O'Neill.
General B. Johnson was ordered to Reed's Brigde/Pea Vine Ridge, he arrived there at noon and deployed his four brigades. General
McNair was on the right,General Robertson on the center right, General Fulton in the center, and General Gregg on the left.Onve
deployed, artillery fire commensed by the Union Forces. Gregg's First Missouri Confederate Battery under First Lieutenant
L.R. Wood responded. The Sons of Erins were standing insupport of Wood's Battery. Colonel Grace placed Company A Sharpshooters
on both flanks of Wood's Four guns; the rest of them were place in the rear guards. Once the assualt of the Confederate forces
on the right started to move toward the brigde Wood moved his guns forward still being protected by the Irish. The 10th
Tennessee and other regiment kept up the fierce firing, however, noboby crossed the brigde. By this time the Confederate forces
were losing thier strength; until they were support by General John Bell Hood and who lead the Rebels cross the river. Now
headed toward Lee and Gordon's Mills arriving there about 9 at night the firing of skirmishers started but nothing major came
out of it. The day of the 19th of September, the 10th Tennessee was no longer guarding the Missouri Battery and were in the
area of Lafayatte Road. The day's battle started in the afternoon. Grace and the Sons of Erin were awaiting orders for command
but no orders came. During the battle General Gregg was shot and killed now under command of Colonel Sugg who lead the brigade
which was on the far left of the line.The orders came in and line of the 10th Tennessee was next to 1st/50th Tennessee in
front moved forward. The 30th Tennessee was in reserve. While the fighting was going a hole in the Union was open, however,
the far left of the line commanded by Colonel William Grace was pinned down in a wooded area, they could not get through.
Now support by the 17th Tennessee, Colonel Grace the rest of the Tennessians kept on fight in the woods. False reports of
more Union troops coming upn the road Grace withdrew his three regiments(10th,1st, 50th) and was temporally out of the fight;
the 17th was left behind but eventually got out of the woods. The 10th was order to enter the woods again, this time supported
by the 41st Tennessee. Major O'Niell formed is sharpshooters in a line out front and comensed firing. Grace and the others
Tennessians advance to the road to meet oncoming Ohioians. However the whole Confederate lines were being push back. The day's
battle was over. The Irish were so tired they went to sleep without eating. Sunday morning September 20,1863
General Longstreet formed his line of battle. Hood's corps included the Bushrod Johnson and the Sons of Erin were on
the right flank and in the lead position. Mean while the famous gap in the union line was opened. All Confederates start the
attack. The 10th Tennessee with Colonel Grace leaded them moved to the west and headed into a patch of woods. Coming out they
met some incoming Union shells from the 1st Missouri Battery (U.S). Grace never backing down headed right for the guns which
had very little infantry support. Union support came up and the 10th Tennessee found themselves in hand to hand combat.
The Confederates kept moving westward near Missionary Ridge; the Sons of Erin found themselves at Steedman's Hill there the
headed down the north end and met the Union forces consisting of men from Ohio and Illinois. The 10th
and 30th Tennessee came in contact with Lt. Colonel Darius Warner's Ohioans. In Charge Colonel Grace knowing
his was out numbered withdrew to the original defensive line on the south side of the hill. Major O'Neill's sharpshooter repulsed
the attack but were not enough. On the Eastern end Tennessains were driven off the hill; on the west end the Confederate forces
had no chance. So Grace ordered retreat of the 10th and 30th Tennessee. During the fashionalbe withdrawal Grace
who was mounted had his horse shot underneath him; he fell and became immoblized. Seeing this a Ohio skirmish line fired
at the Irish. The Irish sharpshooter return fired while First Lieutenant Robert P. Seymour dragged the Colonel up on
to his horse. The fight at Steedman's Hill was the last engagement for the 10th Tennesee, Sons of Erin during the Battle of